How Would You Like To Get Ripped For The Summer
And Get PAID $1,000 For Doing It ?

Attention Men & Women Who Want To Get Lean & Ripped…
How would you like to go to the beach or pool this summer, take off your shirt, and feel proud of how your body looks… Big Chest, Wide Shoulders, Muscular Arms, V-Shaped Back, all tapering down to a tight waist with Ripped Rock Solid Abs!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a body that makes you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror… Rather than feeling embarrassed and ashamed about having an extra roll of belly flab hanging over your belt.

And to top it off, imagine getting paid $1000 in cold hard cash as an Extra Bonus just for getting in your personal best shape!

Well you can do all of that starting now, with the 2015 Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge!

If you want to get ripped for the summer, you need to start training NOW.

The 2015 Total Fitness Bodybuilding
Physique Transformation Challenge

The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge is a 90 day “Before” & “After” physique transformation contest that’s open to all members of the TFB Inner Circle.

The Top 3 Best Physique Transformations Will Receive Cash Prizes:
1st Place – $1000 Cash
2nd Place – $500 Cash
3rd Place – $250 Cash

Whether you want to pack on lean muscle, lose bodyfat, or a combination of the two – you can participate – as long as you are a current member of the TFB Inner Circle. If you are not already a member, Click Here To Join.

Winners will be chosen based on the degree of progress that they make during the transformation challenge. This is NOT like a bodybuilding contest where you have to be the biggest, leanest, or most ripped. But rather it’s all about making the most improvements to YOUR physique over the course of 90 days. Everyone has an equal chance to win, regardless if you are just starting out or you are have been working out for years.

Enter To Win $1000 In Cash

These Are The Winner’s From Last Year…

1st Place Winner – $1,000 Cash Prize
Simon Roberts from the United Kingdom
Simon Roberts
“I found the transformation challenge a very successful motivational tool which I thoroughly enjoyed. After losing the fat I can finally see my abs for the first time ever! Participating in this challenge has motivated me to keep going.”

2nd Place Winner – $500 Cash Prize
Doreen Shapter from Canada

Doreen Shapter
“I feel so much stronger and my body shape has changed for sure. I have lost inches all over my body and I had to invest in a new wardrobe because all my clothes are too big for me now. I went from a size 6 to a size 2.”

3rd Place – $250 Cash Prize
Stuart Booth from the United Kingdom

Stuart Booth
“I have achieved my personal best in all my measurements especially my waist, seeing results of fat loss I never thought I’d achieve. I am really pleased with the progress I have made, my hard work and dedication paid off and I feel a real sense of achievement.”

What Can You Do In The Next 90 Days?

The winners from last year’s TFB Transformation Challenge are regular people who took action and followed the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Lifestyle of weight training workouts, cardiovascular exercise, and proper nutrition in order to build lean muscle, burn bodyfat, and increase their strength and energy levels.

You Could Be Next...

Would you like to transform your physique just like these people did?
Join the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club
and start your very own physique transformation today!

What Exactly Is The “Inner Circle”
And How Does It Work ?

The premise of the “Inner Circle” is simple…

You’ll get ongoing training and guidance from a “Real Expert” in a small and supportive group coaching environment.

My goal is to save you from wasting your most precious resource – Time – and ensure that you develop a lean muscular physique in the quickest and healthiest manner possible.

Bottom Line:
With My Help You’ll Be Able To Get In Your Best Shape EVER!
Lee Hayward Inner Circle Group Coaching

Every single day I get several hundred e-mail from guys & gals asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals. Right now there are over 100,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And over 100,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.

So as you can imagine, thousands of followers = hundreds of e-mails. And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. So rather then simply ignoring them (like most people with a large online following often do). I’ve decided to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys and gals who are really serious about working with me and taking their training to the next level.

So for a very small price, just 65 cents per day, you will get cutting edge workout and diet plans all personally designed by me. Along with answers to all your muscle building and nutrition questions, as well as ongoing coaching, encouragement, and support to help you reach your personal bodybuilding and fitness goals.

Your Membership Includes…

Workout Of The Month Program
Each month you’ll get a brand new workout program designed to produce serious muscle building results. Each workout builds on the progress from the previous month’s program. Everything is covered for you – sets, reps, rest periods, exercises and descriptions. In addition to that I will personally follow along with your training and help you customize your workouts to your fitness level, goals, time schedule, and exercise equipment availability.
Workout Of The Month

Muscle Building & Fat Loss Diet Plans.
In order to maximize your muscle gains in the gym you need to feed your body the proper nutrients. So I’m going to provide you with sample meal-by-meal eating plans with the exact foods to eat in the right amounts – all plotted and mapped out specifically for your body type and your fitness goals.
Muscle Building & Fat Loss Diet Plans

Direct Access to Lee Hayward.
I get several hundred email every single day from people who need my help and as much as I’d like to answer each of them, I simply can’t. But as an exclusive “Inner Circle” member you can ask me any question, at any time, and get an answer almost immediately!
Contact Lee Hayward

Private Members Only Discussion Forum.
You can chat with other like minded members who are serious about getting in their best shape and who share the same goals as you. This way you can share your experiences to help motivate each other and grow together.
Private Members Only Discussion Forum

Live Video Chats.
Each week I host a LIVE “Members Only” video coaching session. You can chat with me live in real time. Ask me any questions about building muscle and burning fat, workouts, nutrition, supplements, etc. No stone will be left unturned. All questions get answered. And you’ll hear the honest truth – No Fluff, No Filler – just the real deal.
Live Video Chats

Your Own Online Training Log.
You’ll be able to keep your very own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. You’ll be given honest feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you deserve!
Online Training Log

Exclusive Members Only Product Discounts.
You’ll be able to purchase other products for HUGE Discounts and get money saving coupon codes for stuff you’re probably already buying. This alone could easily help pay for your monthly membership from the savings alone.
Member Only Discounts

Eligible To Win Cash & Prizes!
As a member of the Inner Circle you’ll be eligible to compete in our Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge. This is a friendly members only competition where you can enter to win $1000 in cash plus other cool bonuses!
Win Cash & Prizes!

About Lee Hayward…

If you’re on this page, you probably know who I am.
But if not, here’s a little back ground info:

…Began working out back in 1990.

…Entered first Bodybuilding Contest in 1995
and has competed regularly in bodybuilding ever since.

…Started coaching others online in 1999.

Through my website I have had the opportunity to reach out and help literally thousands of aspiring bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts from all over the world.

During the past 15+ years has become one of the most popular bodybuilding and fitness sites online and has been featured in several magazines such as: Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, FLEX, Muscle Insider, Ironmag, and Forbes.

Lee Hayward
Lee Hayward has been featured in...

Straight Shooter Pricing…
(how much is this going to cost?)

The Inner Circle Membership dues are very simple.

First off, it’s not some outrageous number like most gyms and personal trainers are charging their clients.
These days to hire a basic level personal trainer at the gym will run you about $75 per hour.
And to get a custom program designed can easily cost $200-$300 or more.

But you won’t have to pay anywhere near those numbers because you’ll get access to the
entire “Inner Circle” training AND get direct access to me as your personal coach for just $19.95 / month.
(That works out to only 65 cents per day!)

And there are NO Contracts, NO Hidden Sign Up Fees, and you can cancel your membership at anytime.

You Can Join The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle”
For Just 65 Cents Per Day!

I doubt you’ll find a better return on your investment
then taking advantage of this special offer right now…

And if you think this sounds good, just hold on because the deal gets even better…

Your Low Membership Rate
Is Guaranteed For LIFE…

When you become a member right now – you will LOCK-IN the low rate of just $19.95 / month (even if the price goes up and new members pay more). You will benefit from something called “the grandfather clause.” This means that after the charter membership phase is over, our membership rates will be going up and all new members will have to pay the new, higher membership fees. However, as a charter member, when you renew your membership, you get to keep your low charter rates – FOR LIFE – as long as you remain a current member in good standing.

Lee Hayward's Members Only Website

Get These Extra Bonuses For FREE When You Join Today!

FREE Bonus Programs
Get All Of These When You Join!

You’ll get access to all of these programs for FREE on the members website!

My PROMISE To You & 100% Satisfaction GuaranLee!

I GuaranLee that you will you see measurable changes in your body. By taking action and following the coaching that’s provided; you will build lean muscle, burn off excess bodyfat, and increase your strength and energy.

I promise to be there for you to help you reach your personal fitness goals. But more than that, when you improve your fitness it goes BEYOND THE PHYSICAL – it changes your mental attitude, boosts your self-confidence, and helps you to become a more successful person in every area of your life.

100% Satisfaction GuaranLee!
I invite you to preview the membership site for 60 days during this no-risk trial. If you don’t start to see positive changes in your life with the information I have to share with you, then simply e-mail me and I will refund every penny you invested into your membership, no questions asked.

This is my promise to you,

By doing this I’m taking all the risk off you, and putting the pressure on me!
You have absolutely nothing to lose, so go ahead and start your risk free membership below.

Select Your “Inner Circle” Membership Option…

    Brand New Easy-Pay Options
      Three easy payment options to choose from.


    Pay As You Go.
    Cancel Anytime.
Six Month

    One Time Payment.
    Save 20% Off Monthly Price.
1 Year “Inner Circle”

    One Time Payment.
    **BEST DEAL!
Workout Of The Month Program
Each month you’ll get a brand new workout that’s designed to produce serious muscle building results. Nothing is left to chance, everything is covered for you – sets, reps, rest periods, exercises and descriptions.
Muscle Building & Fat Loss Diet Plans
You’ll get sample meal-by-meal eating plans with the exact foods to eat in the right amounts – all mapped out for your body type and your fitness goals.
Members Only Discussion Forum
You can chat with the other “Inner Circle” members who have similar goals as you. Share your experiences and help motivate each other to succeed.
Live Video Chats
You can chat directly with Lee Hayward LIVE in real time. Ask any questions about building muscle and burning fat. No Fluff, No Filler – just the real deal.
Online Training Log
Post your workouts, your meals, and progress pictures. You’ll be given honest feedback about your progress and be held accountable to stick with your program.
Members Only Discounts
Get HUGE Discounts and money saving coupons for stuff you’re probably already buying. These savings could cover the price of your membership.
FREE T-Shirt!
When you purchase a 1 Year Membership you’ll also get a FREE Total Fitness Bodybuilding T-Shirt that you can wear proudly to the gym and let everyone know that you’re an “Inner Circle” member!
FREE Month Membership
When you purchase a 1 Year Membership you’ll automatically get 1 extra month for FREE. This way you’ll get access to all of the Inner Circle features; brand new workouts every month, live video coaching sessions, and unlimited access to our private members forum for 13 months for just a one time payment of $147

Select Your Membership Option:


    Pay As You Go.
    Cancel Anytime.

Click Here To Join Now

Six Month

    One Time Payment.
    Save 20% Off Monthly Price.

Click Here To Join Now

1 Year “Inner Circle”

    One Time Payment.
    **BEST DEAL!

Click Here To Join Now

Once you complete your registration you can enter the 2015 Total Fitness Bodybuilding
Physique Transformation Challenge and be eligible to win the $1,000 grand prize.

Member Login | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Bodybuilding Blog | Facebook | YouTube Videos | Contact

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