Vote For Who You Think Should Win The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge

We Need YOUR Help in Choosing the Winner of the $1000 Grand Prize
for the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge!

Check out the “Before” & “After” pictures below and vote for who you think
made the best improvements during the 90 day transformation challenge…

1st Place Wins $1000

2nd Place Wins $500

3rd Place Wins $250

(Note: Contestants are listed in alphabetical order.)

Contestant # 1 – Adiel Rozinov

Adiel lost 26 pounds of bodyfat while increasing his strength and energy!

Adiel Rozinov

“During the 3 months I have lost 26 Lbs of bodyweight and about 7% bodyfat. I have worked extremely hard and am very proud of my accomplishment. And I’m very grateful for the motivation and assistance provided through the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Inner Circle. I wish all other competitors the best in their own unique journeys.”

Adiel’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 235 pounds
– Belly: 40 inches
– Chest: 48 inches
– Arms: 17.5 inches
– Legs: 27 inches
Adiel’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 209 pounds
– Belly: 34.5 inches
– Chest: 44 inches
– Arms: 16.5 inches
– Legs: 26 inches

Vote for Adiel

Contestant # 2 – Aimo Ruoho

79 year old Aimo gained size in his chest and arms, while losing fat off his waist line!

Aimo Ruoho

“I think that Lee’s training methods are most effective, and it’s my pleasure to be a member of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Inner Circle. I recommend this program to others who want to get into better condition, stronger and look more muscular.”

Aimo’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 77.6 kilograms
– Belly: 95 centimeters
– Chest: 105 centimeters
– Arms: 36 centimeters
– Thighs: 55 centimeters
Aimo’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 74.2 kilograms
– Belly: 81 centimeters
– Chest: 111 centimeters
– Arms: 37 centimeters
– Thighs: 55 centimeters

Vote for Aimo

Contestant # 3 – Bruno Martel

Bruno increased his lean muscle mass while losing bodyfat!

Bruno Martel

“I love being apart of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Inner Circle because it helps me to stay motivated and keep training hard, even though I work over 60 hours per week doing night shifts. Over the past 12 weeks I lost some bodyfat while gaining muscle. Even though I could have done better, my goal wasn’t to win the challenge, but to be part of a friendly group that all aim for the same goal: improve ourselves.”

Bruno’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 173 pounds
– Belly: 80.5 centimeters
– Chest: 101 centimeters
– Arms: 38 centimeters
– Thighs: 56 centimeters
– Bodyfat: 12%
Bruno’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 168 pounds
– Belly: 77.2 centimeters
– Chest: 102.5 centimeters
– Arms: 38.6 centimeters
– Thighs: 56.5 centimeters
– Bodyfat: 10%

Vote for Bruno

Contestant # 4 – Cameron Durgin

Cameron lost 16 pounds of bodyfat in just 90 days!

Cameron Durgin

“During the physique transformation challenge I focused on working out everyday, alternating weight training and running. Thanks for the guidance with regards to training and nutrition. It’s been a great experience being apart of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Inner Circle community and I’m excited to keep moving forward.”

Cameron’s Before Measurements:
– Height: 5’10”
– Weight: 188 pounds
Cameron’s After Measurements:
– Height: 5’10”
– Weight: 172 pounds

Vote for Cameron

Contestant # 5 – Corey Baxter

Corey lost 3 & 1/2 inches from his waistline while gaining lean muscle!

Corey Baxter

“I started this challenge to raise money for my church Kingdom Life Ministries in Valencia, CA. The $1000 could help us get new sound equipment for the worship team. The results I received is a flatter stomach and more muscles. My strength has increased also; I can bench more, squat more, and curl more! I can even see some abs coming in!”

Corey’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 165.5 pounds
– Belly: 33 inches
– Chest: 39.5 inches
– Arms: 13.5 inches
– Thighs: 22 inches
Corey’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 164 pounds
– Belly: 29.5 inches
– Chest: 38.5 inches
– Arms: 13 inches
– Thighs: 20.5 inches

Vote for Corey

Contestant # 6 – Dennis Brodbeck

Dennis lost 21 pounds of bodyfat in just 3 months!

Dennis Brodbeck

“I have lost 21 pounds in 3 months so that is very steady fat loss. I worked hard biking, jogging, running, walking doing lots of other cardio and doing intermittent fasting all on a vegan diet.”

Dennis’ Before Measurements:
– Weight: 220 pounds
– Belly: 41 inches
– Bodyfat: 24%
Dennis’ After Measurements:
– Weight: 199 pounds
– Belly: 35 inches
– Bodyfat: 17%

Vote for Dennis

Contestant # 7 – Doreen Shapter

51 year old grandmother lost 11 pounds and got her health issues under control!

Doreen Shapter

“I am a 51 year old Nana of two handsome grandsons.
Before this challenge I had high cholesterol and an under active thyroid, I wanted to lose some weight and shred some fat. During this 12 week challenge I lost 11 pounds and and I am now 9.5 inches smaller and my health issues are now under control. My goal for this challenge was accomplished, without use of any products, just by eating clean and exercising.”

Doreen’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 147.5 pounds
– Belly: 36 inches
– Chest: 37.5 inches
– Arms: 13 inches
– Legs: 21 inches
Doreen’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 136.5 pounds
– Belly: 32.5 inches
– Chest: 36.5 inches
– Arms: 12 inches
– Legs: 20 inches

Vote for Doreen

Contestant # 8 – Hunter Wilson

Hunter Wilson

At the age of 41 Hunter is now in the best shape of his life!

“Being part of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge has really helped to keep me motivated. Over the past 90 days I’ve gained a couple inches on my chest, an inch and a half on my arms, and lost some fat at the same time. I’m in the best shape that I’ve ever been in my life… Thanks again!”

Hunter’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 185 pounds
– Belly: 38 inches
– Chest: 44 inches
– Arms: 15 1/4 inches
– Thighs: 24 inches
Hunter’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 186 pounds
– Belly: 36 3/4 inches
– Chest: 46 1/2 inches
– Arms: 16 3/4 inches
– Thighs: 23 3/4 inches

Vote for Hunter

Contestant # 9 – Kevin Borchert

Kevin lost 15 pounds of bodyfat while gaining lean muscle in only 90 days!

Kevin Borchert

“Since I joined the total fitness bodybuilding inner circle I have always had support from Lee and guidance to help me achieve my goals. This was the first time that I actually started seeing some real muscle growth over my whole body. This experience has given me a clear cut look on exactly what I need to do in order to build muscle and lose bodyfat. This was a great opportunity and it gave me something to strive for. I’m looking forward to next year.”

Kevin’s Before Measurements:
– Belly: 39.5 inches
– Chest: 49 inches
– Arms: 17 inches
– Thighs: 24 inches
– Bodyweight: 230 pounds
– Bodyfat: 18%
Kevin’s After Measurements:
– Belly: 37 inches
– Chest: 47 inches
– Arms: 16 inches
– Thighs: 23 inches
– Bodyweight: 215 pounds
– Bodyfat: 14%

Vote for Kevin

Contestant # 10 – Martin Sanchez

Martin got ripped six pack abs in just 90 days!

Martin Sanchez

“My goal with entering this challenge was to get leaner while also building muscle and I was able to accomplish that with Lee’s help. I lost 11 pounds of bodyfat, 2 & 1/2 inches off my waist, while gaining 1/2 an inch on my arms and getting stronger in all my lifts.”

Martin’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 188 pounds
– Belly: 34.5 inches
– Arms: 14 inches
– Legs: 24 inches
– Chest: 39 inches
– Bodyfat: 11.4%
Martin’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 177 pounds
– Belly: 32 inches
– Arms: 14.5 inches
– Legs: 24 inches
– Chest: 37.5 inches
– Bodyfat: 7.1%

Vote for Martin

Contestant # 11 – Shyam Haridas

Shyam gained 2 inches to his chest and an inch to his arms in just 90 days!

Shyam Haridas

“After getting teased by many people about being skinny, I finally decided to focus on building size and strength by following a proper weight training and nutrition program. Being apart of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Inner Circle has helped me a lot and I’m going to stick with it until I reach my muscle building goals.”

Shyam’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 123 pounds
– Belly: 32 inches
– Chest: 34 inches
– Arms: 11 inches
– Thighs: 20 inches
Shyam’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 127 pounds
– Belly: 32.5 inches
– Chest: 36 inches
– Arms: 12 inches
– Thighs: 21 inches

Vote for Shyam

Contestant # 12 – Stoogy Robertson

Stoogy lost 10% bodyfat and got rid of his “beer belly” in just 12 weeks!

Stoogy Robertson

“I set out to see what could be achieved by neither bulking nor cutting. I just followed a basic 3 day workout split and gained 25% on my major lifts. Similarly with my nutrition, I didn’t restrict my calories but instead ate maintenance calories from healthy, wholesome, unprocessed foods. I never felt hungry. My cardio was just getting outdoors and walking my dog. I want people to know that ANYONE of ANY AGE can do this. It’s not complicated, it’s just being consistent. Now at age 45 I’m in the best shape of my life – and this is just the beginning.”

Stoogy’s Before Measurements:
– Weight: 177 pounds
– Belly: 38 inches
– Chest: 39.5 inches
– Arms: 13 inches
– Legs: 21 inches
– Bodyfat: 23%
Stoogy’s After Measurements:
– Weight: 165 pounds
– Belly: 33 inches
– Chest: 41 inches
– Arms: 13.5 inches
– Legs: 21 inches
– Bodyfat: 13%

Vote for Stoogy

Who Do You Think Made The Best Improvements?

Over the past 90 days each one of our contestants have committed themselves to strictly following the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Lifestyle of regular weight training workouts, cardiovascular exercise, and proper diet in order to build lean muscle, burn bodyfat, and increase their strength and energy levels.

Which one of our 11 finalists do you feel has made the BEST Improvements to their physique and deserves to Win the $1000 Grand Prize!


Would You Like To Transform Your Body & Get In Shape Just Like These People Did?
CLICK HERE To Find Out How You Can Start Your Own Physique Transformation Today!

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