MAX-OT (Maximum Overload Training) Version # 2 with Higher Reps!
This workout is a continuation on with the MAX-OT Program. But instead of using heavy weights and lower reps, we’re going to lighten the weight and increase the training volume!
MAX-OT is a great program for stimulating muscle growth through maximum effort training. The first variation of this program uses heavy weights and low reps, which works really well for about 4-6 weeks. After that most people will hit a plateau in their strength gains.
I’ve used this program several times over the years and each time through I would notice the same thing. Great size and strength gains initially, and then it would be like I hit a wall with my strength gains. I would get to the point where I just couldn’t increase the weight anymore without cheating and using poor exercise form.
Whenever you hit a plateau in your training, that’s your body’s way of telling you that you need to change your approach. Now you could change everything and start a brand new workout program from scratch. Or you can simply change some of the exercise variables within the current workout program to stretch it out and continue making gains.
That’s exactly what we’re going to do with MAX-OT Version #2. Rather than scrapping the entire MAX-OT program, we’re just going to increase the training volume and focus on making some new gains in a higher rep range.
Click The Links Below To Download The Complete Workout Of The Month:
–>> Max-OT Workout Version # 2 – PDF
–>> Max-OT Printable Workout Schedule Version # 2 – PDF
If you have any questions or comments about this workout program,
please post them in the forum and we’ll chat there 🙂